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(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


PSW Lebanon Partner:

Nusroto Alanashid (NA) is Prison Samaritans Worldwide Partner in Lebanon. Nusroto is a Syriac word that means chants of joy. In 1997 Father Marwan Ghanem established Nusroto Al-Anashid choir and in 2001, he established “Father Marwan Ghanem Institute for Music and Arts”.  The choir evolved into a charity organization named “Nusroto- Al Anashid Charity Association” in 2005. Then in 2006, the organization established the “Cenacle of the Son of Man”, a Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation impatient center. Then in 2011, the association became an affiliate of Prison Fellowship International. In 2018 Nusroto opened a Juveniles Correctional Center,

being the only center accredited by the Ministry of Justice in Lebanon.  In January 2020, received NGO Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Nusroto is partnered with Prison Fellowship International in the delivery of the Sycamore Tree Project® (STP): Justice and Peace since 2016 and The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) since 2019, where they graduate over 7500 prisoners a year from almost 700 courses a year!

National Ministry Programs Overview:

Prison Fellowship International, Prisoner Ministry: Nusroto is partnered with Prison Fellowship International in the delivery of the Sycamore Tree Project® (STP) : Justice and Peace since 2016 and The Prisoner’s Journey® (TPJ) since 2019, where they graduate over 7500 prisoners a year from almost 700 courses a year!

Nusroto provides the prisoners with Industry Skills training, like construction workshops. They also have prison medical and Dental Clinics, as well as Holiday Parties. Nusroto has also supplied books for the prison libraries as well as exercise (gym) equipment.

Nusroto Al -Anashid choir in Beirut and in Zahleh:

Father Marwan Ghanem Academy for Music and Arts for children:

The Cenacle of the Son of Man for Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation inpatient center:

Ladies of Nusroto and Youth of Nusroto:

Juvenile Correctional Center:

Female Based Violence shelter:

internet broadcasting radio:

Lamsa handcraft workshop for ex-prisoners and showroom:

Nusroto Alanashid

Father Marwan Ghanem

Father Marwan Ghanem

Founder / Board Chair - LEBANON

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