Gueckédou Prison Campaign

"..for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;...I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to Me..."Mat 25:35-36


GUECKEDOU PRISON CAMPAIGN IN THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA - This prison has 149 prisoners, plus prison guards. Total campaign cost is $1845. Every prison ministry begins with an initial campaign of 4-7 days. In that time the local team spends the first couple days cleaning and painting the prison, handing out food and providing medicine. During that time they might identify and take care of other needs like broken latrine systems. Then after 1-3 days, they begin to preach the Gospel, while still bringing food everyday for the entire prison, as well as handing out Bibles. The prison is then left with a 3 months medicine supply and a weekly discipleship program is established where a local Pastor/Chaplain visits once a week to deliver a Gospel program, and bring food for the entire jail.

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Donation Total: $250