Become A Donor

Become A Donor
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Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

*100% of Donations

*Explanation and transparency when the term is used that 100% of donations get to the prisoners. Prisoner Samaritans Worldwide is a volunteer-based organization, with no paid employees. All organization and admin costs are paid for by the Board of Directors. Though, at times there are direct costs involved with processing donations and getting funds to our Worldwide ministry partners. When processing donations, there are card processing fees, usually about 3%, thus the amount we receive is that 3% less than what is donated. Then when we send funds internationally to our partners, there are currency exchange fees that run anywhere from 1%-8% plus $15-$50. Our average cost is 1% and $15. Then there can be bank receiving fees and charges, from 0%-3%. So, the prisoners will be receiving your donation, minus the payment processing fees, minus the currency exchange fees and minus any bank receiving fees. That leaves on average about 94-96% of your actual donation getting directly to the prisoners. An incredible way to increase your Donor Impact, as most global prison ministries only get 40%-60% of donated funds to the actual prisoners’ benefit.