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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Sudan Prison Campaign

PAUSED Campaign - Funding still Needed

Sponsor a Prison

Sponosor a Prison in SUDAN

It takes about $295 per month to bring hope and healing to a prison of about 100. A local Pastor or Chaplain visits the prison weekly for a Bible Study or Church Service and provides Bibles, food, clean water and medicine for all attendees. In addition, he will bring enough food, clean water and medicine FOR THE ENTIRE prison.

UPDATE: Due to the current civil ware in Sudan, they is ZERO prison access for any organizations.  The situation in the country and especially the prisoners is beyond  inhumane conditions. Once that ban is lifted, there is going to be an ENORMOUS ability to provide Food, Clean Water and Medicine to those desperately in need to survive.  We would encourage our supporters to CONTINUE to provide your monthly recurring donations, so that the fund for Sudan can grow and be used once access is opened.

Modeling The Good Samaritan

Father Marwan Ghanem

Father Marwan Ghanem

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Please join us in Prayer for the prisoners living in darkness in the Unreached countries worldwide.