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sharing the love of jesus

to prisoners in
unreached countries
"..for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;..I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to Me..."Mat 25:35-36
To share the Love of Jesus to Prisoners in Unreached Countries, by partnering with Indigenous Christian Prison Ministries to provide food, clean water and medical supplies to prisoners.
To model the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:29-37, as we believe that while we live in a broken world, prisoners can be restored to their God, their families, and their communities.

Transforming the Lives of Prisoners in Unreached Countries

At Prison Samaritans Worldwide (PSW), we are laser focused on sharing the Love of Jesus to Prisoners in Unreached Countries, by partnering with carefully vetted Indigenous Christian Prison Ministries to provide prisoners with food, clean water and medical supplies. By modeling the Good Samaritan, we believe that while we live in a broken world, prisoners are more likely to experience restoration and transformation when acts of kindness are extended alongside the sharing of the Gospel.
"..for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;..I was sick and you visited me; I was in prison and you came to Me..."Mat 25:35-36
To share the Love of Jesus to Prisoners in Unreached Countries, by partnering with Indigenous Christian Prison Ministries to provide food, clean water and medical supplies to prisoners.
To model the Good Samaritan, as we believe that while we live in a broken world, prisoners are more likely to experience restoration and transformation when acts of kindness are extended alongside the sharing of the Gospel.

The prison system worldwide is broken

Many prisoners get fed one meal a day, have no clean water and no/limited medical care. They sleep on the floor, some with no mat, with barely enough space for themselves. They spend years charged with a crime before ever getting to their first court date. Many prisons are 2-300% over-capacity. They live without hope or compassion.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe.
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Lorem ipsum dolor, consectetur elit, sed do tempor incididunt labore.
Prisoners all around the world live day after day in a dark and hopeless place.
The alcohol in the wine was used for cleansing and the oil helped the wound to heal and prevent scaring. Thus our acts of kindness, can prepare lost souls to be healed and restored to our Lord.

Sharing the Love of Jesus through acts of kindess

The parable of the Good Samaritan shows us that the world, society, communities, and our relationships are not permanently broken. They can be restored with the Love of Jesus. Showing compassion and kindness, through not just sharing the Gospel, but also caring for the physical needs of the suffering.

"Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us...." 2 Cor 5:20
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Lorem ipsum dolor, consectetur elit, sed do tempor incididunt labore.

PSW Good Samaritans at the
Lola prison in Guinea

PSW Good Samaritans at the Lola prison in Guinea Campaign

Increasing Donor Impact with 100% of donations getting to prisoners*

We provide funds to carefully vetted Indigenous Christian Prison Ministries that in turn provide food, clean water, and medical supplies to prisoners either in unison with Gospel Programs or in Countries where the gospel is not allowed into the prisons, via Humanitarian programs or Restorative Justice Programs.
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Stay up to date on the latest testimonies of what the Lord is doing in and through Prison Samaritans Worldwide with our Monthly Newsletter.
Impacting Unreached Countries

One prison at a time

Every prison that is reached impacts dozens of prisoners, that then positively effect the lives of other prisoners and family members, as well as impacting entire communities when released.
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Prisoners in Unreached Countries
People in Unreached Countries


Greater Impact

Get Involved

Join Us in Prayer

View prayer requests to JOIN US IN PRAYER for Unreached Countries, the Indigenous Prison Ministries that PSW partners with, as well the the projects and campaigns in process and in the future.

Subscribe to Newsletter

Stay up to date on the latest testimonies of what the Lord is doing in and through Prison Samaritans Worldwide with our Monthly Newsletter.

Sponsor a Prison

Become a PSW GOOD SAMARITAN by Sponsoring a prison. Monthly donation would go to food, clean water, Bibles, and medical supplies that are provided during a weekly Bible Study visit.

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Stay up to date on the latest testimonies of what the Lord is doing in and through Prison Samaritans Worldwide with our Monthly Newsletter.

Leadership Team

John Grantham

John Grantham

Founder / President
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Roberto Sempe

Roberto Sempe

Board Member - Treasurer
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Vic Rinaldi

Vic Rinaldi

Board Member
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Rev. Jean-Didier Mboyo

Rev. Jean-Didier Mboyo

Special Advisor, Africa
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Regional Advisors

Daniel Bey

Daniel Bey

Regional Advisor, Asia & Pacific
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Roy Moussalli

Roy Moussalli

Regional Advisor, Middle East & North Africa
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Cristina Ursachila

Cristina Ursachila

Regional Advisor - Central Asia
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Hugh Greathead

Hugh Greathead

Special Advisor
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44330 Premier Plaza, Ste #100
Ashburn, VA 20147 USA
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