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Pakistan Restorative Justice Project – Faith Based

Project Planned - Funding Needed To Start

Pakistan Restorative Justice Project- Faith Based

Total cost of this project is $6450 to disciple about 500 traditionally Muslim Men, Women and Juvenile prisoners in the eighteen months, then half that cost in following years.

This initial project is to fund the translation of all course materials into Urdu, print all prisoner workbooks, and all program costs for 36 courses or about 500 prisoners in the first year and a half. All prisoners get their own workbook, as well as a graduation ceremony and course certificate.

Prison Samaritans Worldwide ministry partner in Pakistan, The Prison Mission Society, has the opportunity to implement a Restorative Justice Program based on the life of Zacchaeus from the Bible. It's an 8 week course program, once a week, that would run 4x a year in a prison. It would initially start in 2 prisons, with each prison having separate course sessions with men, women and juvenile's. It is called The Sycamore Tree Project® developed by Prison Fellowship International.

This is such an amazing opportunity to bring the light of His Word into very dark places, where the National Ministry has not been able to reach.
The Sycamore Tree Project® developed by Prison Fellowship International
Zacchaeus from the Bibles is the example of Restoration in The Sycamore Tree Project program

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We have a strong sense of community with parishioners. People and children of all ages here are encouraged to learn about their own faith and the role of the church in our community and worldwide.

PSW PARTNER: The Prison Mission Society

Rev. Maurice Shabaz

Rev. Maurice Shabaz

Founder / Board Chair

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