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(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235


PSW Sudan Partner:

Prison Fellowship Sudan (PF Sudan) is Prison Samaritans Worldwide Partner in Sudan.

National Ministry Programs Overview:

Chapel Services: PF Sudan has various services and programs that include preaching from the Holy Bible, prayers, singing, holiday celebrations at Christmas and Easter, and distributing Bibles. 

 In the Omdurman women prison, there is a daily spiritual service, held by a rotation of churches. The main purpose of all the services are to transform the prisoner’s lives and restore their hearts to the lord God Jesus Christ. 


Social Services including Vocational Training, Reentry and Family Care: PF Sudan provides court case follow up for prisoners (women and men) in court in order to reduce or suspend their sentences, as well as looks after prisoners families, especially children of women in prison. In addition, they support the prisoners by building shelters,  meals, clothes, slippers, blankets, sheet-covers, medicine, soap, oil, milk, sugar, biscuits and mosquitoes nets. They also pay fines, purchase trade materials,  and give them transportation when they are released to enable them to reach their home.   

PF Sudan also pays for coffins for those who have died in the prison and arranges for transportation home. Special care is given for pregnant mothers and newly born babies, training them on how to care for their babies, marriage counseling, and how to live a healthy life in the community.  

Education classes are given on HIV/AIDS, which encourage them to take the voluntary consulting test (VCT) in order to check for AIDS as well as other sexually transmitted diseases (STD), as well as raise awareness about COVID-19 for themselves and community safety.

Medical Services: PF Sudan supports the prisoners with doctors and medicine. In some cases, PF-Sudan pays for operations and X-rays from external hospitals.

Foreigner Nationals Aid: PF Sudan provides special services for foreign nationals in prison. They pay small fines, provide transportation, and offer coordination and communications with relatives, churches, and embassies. The sad situation is that they are even more neglected than the average prisoner, and are in great need for help. They have also recently started to pay lawyers to try and resolve their cases. 

Legal Support: PF Sudan provides legal support to prisoners for their court hearing, and hiring lawyers for them trying to assist with their legal problems.

Prison Fellowship Sudan

Mama Niamat

Mama Niamat

Board Chair - SUDAN

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