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PSW Guinea Partner:

Fraternité des Prison de la Guinée Conakry (PFG) is Prison Samaritans Worldwide partner in Guinea is  It was founded in 1997, by Joel Matho Loramou. He describes the national ministry’s vision as two-handed evangelism: one hand to provide  the word of God to the prisoners, and the other hand to provide for the physical needs of the prisoners. He is the Vice President of the Guinea League for Human Rights, where he used

his law background to help prisoners and others in their court cases. He is also the President of the International Prison Chaplain Association (IPCA) for Guinea Conakry, where he leads 28 Chaplains in the country.

The national ministry has over 200+ volunteers located throughout the country including 21 chaplains paired with 21 key volunteers, each assigned to one prison. They coordinate and manage all types of evangelical and humanitarian programs and projects for that prison under the supervisor of PF Guinea Conakry.

National Ministry Programs Overview:

  1. Chaplaincy: this is the heart of its ministry. Chaplains preach, teach, and provide spiritual guidance and leadership. They are the “eyes and ears” of the ministry identifying physical and legal needs for prisoners.
  2. Humanitarian assistance: this is aid that is initiated by the Chaplains. Once identified, the ministry works with churches and other like-minded partners for the provision of food, clothes, hygiene, and medicines. As part of its humanitarian assistance, it holds a bi-annual “Week of Compassion” which brings together medical professionals provide healthcare to serve prisoners in one prison, for one week.
  3. Legal assistance: in partnership with the Guinea League of Human Rights, of which Joel is the Vice President, the ministry provides legal counsel and support.
  4. Family ministry: The ministry offers support to the families of prisoners. The main avenue of support is from Angel Tree, which served 113 children in 2020, education assistance in the form of donated school supplies, and income generation projects currently supporting 32 families (i.e., baking and farming projects).
  5. Evangelical and Humanitarian Campaigns – At least once a quarter, a group lead by Joel and Executive Director Pastor Pavel Moniapha, do Ministry Campaigns to carefully selected prisons, where they do prison clean up, restoration, medical aid, provide clothes, food & bibles and of course preach the Gospel.

Fraternité des Prison de la Guinée Conakry

Joel Matho Loramou

Joel Matho Loramou

Founder / Board Chair - GUINEA

Guinea Ministry Projects

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