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Lola Prison Campaign (Guinea)

Campaign Completed - Fully Funded

Lola Prison- Campaign COMPLETED

Lola Prison in Guinea is about 24 hour drive from the capital city of Conakry. It has been pretty much abandoned by the Government and other Humanitarian organizations. Eighty prisoners are held in two 20'x20' rooms with no beds or mats. The Latrine system was not working and the prisoners were using buckets for a toilet.

They are fed once or twice a day and have limited/no medicine. The well was polluted, and the prisoners were constantly sick. The conditions were deplorable even for African prison standards.

PSW initial campaign with Fraternité des Prison de la Guinée Conakry took place in August 2023. It was a week long campaign. The prison was cleaned and all walls were painted. The latrine system was fixed and the well was purified. Sleeping mats were provided as well as medical supplies. During the week long campaign, food was brought for the prisoners, as well as Bibles. The Gospel was preached daily after the first couple days.

Then a weekly discipleship program was established. A local Pastor or Chaplain visits the prison weekly for a Bible Study or Church Service and provides Bibles, food, clean water and medicine for all attendees. In addition, he will bring enough food, clean water and medicine FOR THE ENTIRE prison. To support that ongoing discipleship program link learn more here.

Modeling The Good Samaritan in Guinea

PSW PARTNER: Fraternité des Prison de la Guinée Conakry

Joel Matho Loramou

Joel Matho Loramou

Founder / Board Chair - GUINEA

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