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Zahle Women’s Prison (Lebanon)

Planned Project - Funding needed to start

Zahle Women's Prison

TOTAL PROJECT COST TO BEGIN = $775 for the first three months. Zahle Women's prison in Lebanon has about 50 female prisoners. There is a great need for improved hygiene due to rapid spread of disease like scabies and other skin diseases due to lack of the necessary supplies.

This project is to provide hygiene kits, disinfectant and other cleaning supplies for the entire jail on a monthly basis. Nusroto is already providing discipleship though STP, though PSW believes, as the Good Samaritan, that besides sharing the Gospel through STP, we can be His hand extended, as vessels of the Love of Jesus, by providing acts of kindness to not just STP participants, but the entire Jail. Bibles will also be provided.

Nusroto is delivering the Sycamore Tree Project®: Justice and Peace (STP) program weekly. STP helps repair the harm caused by crime by bringing together victims and prisoners to discuss issues related to crime and its consequences. Using an eight-week curriculum, developed by Prison Fellowship International and based on the Book of Luke, a facilitator leads participants to consider concepts of responsibility, confession, repentance, forgiveness, amends, and reconciliation in the context of crime and justice. The main characters used are Zacchaeus, Jesus and the town of Jericho, to show how restoration works.

Studies have shown that offenders who go through the Sycamore Tree Project®: Justice and Peace have significant changes in attitudes so they no longer view crime as acceptable, making it less likely they will re-offend once released.

Modeling The Good Samaritan in Lebanon

PSW PARTNER: Nusroto Alanashid

Father Marwan Ghanem

Father Marwan Ghanem

Founder / Board Chair - LEBANON

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