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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Sponsor a Prison

Active Campaign - Funding Needed for New Prisons

Sponsor a Prison

Sponosor a Prison

To sponsor a prison in unreached countries means modeling the Good Samaritan and sharing the love of Jesus by providing food, water, and medicine while also providing them the hope and peace of The Good News. With your donation of around $295 per month, you can help bring hope and healing to a prison of about 100 men or women who may have never heard the gospel of Christ before.

When you Sponsor a Prison your contribution supports a local pastor or chaplain who regularly visits the prison for Bible study and chapel services. With your assistance, the pastor or chaplain can also provide Bibles to the attendees. As part of their outreach, the pastor or chaplain brings enough food, clean water, and medicine for the entire prison population. Your support could positively impact those who are often forgotten and ignored by society, and provide them with an opportunity to hear the good news of Christ’s love, and thus find the peace and hope they so desperately need. Please consider a recurring monthly support in order to Sponsor a Prison.

Modeling The Good Samaritan

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Please join us in Prayer for the prisoners living in darkness in the Unreached countries worldwide.